
How To Figure Out What You Want & The Magic Of Taking Action

Running along the beach, my feel pounding against the rough sand, my breath shallow and quick I found myself at a crossroads. My mind was overwhelmed. Tears were dragging backwards towards my ears as the wind tore at my face. At that moment all I could focus on was putting one foot in front of the other.


I was facing the most difficult decision of my life.


Not only was I considering a complete career change - that would dramatically alter the future - I was also choosing to turn away from what I considered at one point to be the “dream job”. What I had placed much of my identity upon. 


The job I was debating had seemed the perfect intersection of all of my interests; marketing, economic development, nonprofit work, entrepreneurship, mentoring, microcredit, my faith and to top it all off was located in my favorite city in the world - Cape Town, South Africa. 


It was a dream come true.


And yet, I was in the midst of making the decision to derail it. By my own hand.




Because I had known. I had known for a while at that point - that this was not the job for me. That as “perfect” as it had appeared on paper, it did not match up to who I was or what I wanted and needed out of life. However, I was afraid. 


I was afraid to step away from the thing I had told everyone was “perfect for me”. I was afraid of what THEY would think!


I had uprooted and moved my entire life from Santa Barbara, California to Cape Town, South Africa at great cost to me and with a huge amount of support from friends and family all over the country. I was sending out monthly newsletters updating my network about what was going on in my life and all the great things happening at work and in the world I was now a part of.


It seemed too big to give up on. Too big to turn away from. Too big to admit that something was wrong.


I wanted to be wrong. I wanted the gut feeling to be inaccurate - for it to just be some indigestion or a fleeting thought. That God would show me the truth and my uncanny feeling would be wrong.


Instead, it just got stronger. 


Which is what led me to the moment on the beach.


As I stood there, completely alone, with the sound of crashing waves echoing in my ears, feeling the icy water rush up around my feet and my toes sink into the grainy and heavy sand, I felt hopeless.


I had tried so hard and managed to get to my DREAM. Managed to do THE IMPOSSIBLE. And yet, it wasn’t right.


I felt like an ungrateful child of the universe. Like there was something wrong with me. THIS was supposed to be the moment of feeling fulfilled and on top of the world, of knowing I had found my calling.


Instead, I was experiencing the utter disappointment of realizing my “dream” wasn’t actually what I wanted


Admitting that to myself felt shocking and like an impending identity crisis (which it totally was), yet I knew it was the right decision with all my heart and soul.


So on Monday I walked in with a resignation letter ready and resigned.


Was it difficult? Yes.


Was I worried about what people thought about me? Yes.


Did I feel like a complete and utter failure? Yes.


Did I wallow in sadness and disappointment with myself? Yes.


But I did it. And I am so happy I did.


A few months after some soul searching, reading and really getting creative, I finally found something that forced me to grow in completely new ways and blessed me in more ways than I could have ever planned (isn’t God so awesome?!).


Now, just over a year and a half later since the beach moment, I am back in Santa Barbara, California - missing my Cape Town home and family - but also happy and in such a different place emotionally, physically, intellectually, spiritually - than I was before.


Not only did I reach my goal (which is incredible in itself - I mean I freaking managed to move and work in South Africa!), I also learned a HUGE amount about who I am.


I gave it a shot and it didn’t work. But thats ok.


Recently in BSCHOOL, Marie Forleo said, 


Behave your way to success and the belief will follow.”


Jeff Goins recommends this process:

  • You do it.
  • You believe it.
  • You become it.


Starting before your ready seems to be a common theme, and for good reason. By putting yourself out there and DOING something you get to test the waters out for yourself. 


Think about this - rather than have someone tell you the hot tub is absolutely lovely and you imagine the way the warm water and jets must feel - you actually get in the tub and experience it. And the funny thing is, you may hate it - or you may love it just as much as the next person.


It is the experience that differentiates you. It is what makes you different from the dreamer who never touches her toes to the water. 


Which is why I find myself incredibly thankful for my ex-dream job. I learned that what I thought I wanted, wasn’t actually IT, which has since set me on a path much more aligned with who I believe I am.


“You don’t think your way into clarity. Clarity comes with action.” Jeff Goins


The necessary action was for me to take this job and move halfway around the world in order to discover that what I thought was the ultimate dream, really wasn’t…at least not for me.


And that is ok.


At least I gave it a shot.


Because I would rather have given it a shot, failed and continued to move forward with new goals rather than to have never tried and still be stuck on the same “dream”.


And who knows, maybe this next dream will be another hiccup along the journey of life and will become my second ex-dream. But at the same time, maybe it won’t. Maybe I will have the found the thing that makes my soul sing.


Until then, at least I will know that I have tried.


Do you have any examples of ex-goals? Things you thought you wanted, tried and then realized weren’t for you? Let me know in the comments below.

Some links to check out:

Marie Forleo: BSCHOOL

Jeff Goins: The Best Way to Not Become a Writer (and What to Do Instead)

Try. Do.

Today I opened up my email and came across this message:

This is my recreation on Instagram @kathryn_alife.

This is my recreation on Instagram @kathryn_alife.

Basically, it suggests we should not TRY, instead we must take action and DO.


Ask for the date. Take that first step. Go to the gym. Make that phone call. Just do that thing that will help you reach your goal.


Is it just me, or is that an incredibly powerful visual?


I mean it’s true, right? Whenever I hear someone say they will TRY something, I take them far less seriously than someone who says they will DO something.


In fact, when I hear someone talk about their future and choose to use a word like TRY, I nearly always assume that they will not do it - or don’t believe in themselves enough to pull it off - or they are not passionate enough to pull off such a feat.


It’s strange. When I really think about it, I use the word TRY when I am unsure about my abilities or when I’m not very interested. 


And I use the word DO when I am determined, serious and want to take action.


If I were honest, I think we live in a TRY society.


I say this because business ideas are a dime a dozen. The market for ‘find yourself’ courses is booming. Nearly everyone is calling themselves an entrepreneur nowadays. People talk about lofty dreams of travel and location-independent work and “lifestyle design” even though they are still living the same lifestyle of 5 years ago.


What differentiates those who are successful from those who are not, is ACTION


The doing part of the equation.


If you say you are entrepreneur - show us. Start that side hustle, work for yourself, launch that business - DO something.


If you treat you business ideas like gold - rather than just talking about them and their future supposed success - start it now. Test it. Put it on the market and see what happens. 


If you talk about future long term travel then show us. Start putting that 10% of your income into savings for your future adventure. Strategize how to make it happen. Take the steps to make it a reality.


Because ultimately, if you don’t take action and only ever TRY it will never happen.


Let me say that again - your dream WILL NEVER HAPPEN.


Yes I realize that sounds harsh. But we all need to hear it.


We can spend our entire lifetimes in limbo. We can spend years upon years of imagining a different future, of researching endless options and learning everything there is to do, but NEVER TAKING ACTION.


We can die with an unrealized dream.


If you’re anything like me, you’d rather give it a shot and fail, than never try at all. 


This blog is a perfect personal example.


It’s a first step on my journey towards the future I want. I may not know exactly what I see myself doing in 5 years, or even 6 months - but I know writing this blog is a crucial aspect of developing my voice and an audience as well as the confidence I need to put myself out there and take the steps necessary to take the action I need to be successful.




Do that thing that you’ve been putting off. And rather than make excuses, think about all the reasons you CAN do that thing you want.


Because ultimately we are all far more influential than we may believe and it is only when we embrace our influence, as well as our uniqueness, that we start to make that mark we were put on this planet to make.


In the comments below let me know:

What is holding you back from taking action? 

What step will you take TODAY to change your future?

Stepping Out

Stepping out is scary.


Being vulnerable on this scary platform know as the internet, is honestly, terrifying.


Brené Brown defines vulnerability as, 


“Having the courage to show up and be seen”.

Show Up.


Why is showing up so hard? 


On the door of a gym I once attended, there was a quote that said, “Congratulations! Showing up is half the battle”. They were congratulating me before even working out. It seemed ridiculous. Yet, when I think about it - it’s true. Showing up IS half the battle. 


Be Seen.


What is it about being seen that is so hard?


Is it just me or are we all secret wallflowers feeling like we’re faking it every time we put ourselves ‘out there’.


I know I struggle with the feeling of faking it. Of imposters syndrome.


Often I want to just blend in. To not be noticed. Yet, when you’re crafting a life you love, this just isn’t an option. 


To make friends you have to step out. You have to be the awkward one saying hi on the sidewalk or starting conversation after you’ve been introduced by mutual friends.


To find a new community you have show up. You have to be the “newbie”, create conversation with people you don’t know and sometimes have to sit by yourself the first few times until you manage to connect with someone. 


To create new leads for any business you need to make those awkward phone calls, craft and send those emails and often times just put yourself out there over and over again. 


To develop an online community you have to develop a website, define your voice, craft a blog, start writing, put yourself out there - and hope for the best (with everything you do).


Nobody likes the feeling of everyone’s eyes on them (ok there are some people who love it - but most of us feel intimidated) so when we are in that kind of situation we tend to just fake it.


In all of this there is risk. There is a chance of failure. There is a chance people won’t like you. There is even a chance someone will write something nasty about you (have you looked at YouTube comments?).


However, also hidden deep within all of this risk is the chance of success. Of connection. Of changing the world. Of allowing your authentic voice to shine. Of people feeling empowered by what YOU do.


So when it comes down to it I choose to be vulnerable.


As Marie Forleo often says,


“No other person ever has, or ever will, have the unique blend of talents, strengths & perspective that you have.”


We each have a gift to offer the world. We each have a voice worth being heard. 


So what is stopping people? 


The simple answer is FEAR. But as we all know, it is far more complicated than that.


This past weekend, I experienced this first hand. As a long time Marie Forleo fan, I have been following her work and watching MarieTV for at least a year. Every year she offers B-School for online entrepreneurs and wow is the community amazing! The number of successful entrepreneurs who have come through her program is impressive.


So of course when B-School was announced just a few weeks ago I felt that familiar tug of knowing that this was something I should do. 


However, it is not cheap. Which I completely understand. Any good entrepreneur knows not to undervalue the work they do and to charge fairly. 


So I’m not against the price, but at this point in my life, being in transition, job hunting, having just moved across the country, it seems like financially I just can’t right now. But it doesn’t mean the desire isn’t there.


So when I saw she was offering scholarships - and all you had to do was create a 90 second video describing who you are, what you do and why you should be part of B-School, I knew I had to enter.


She gave us the long weekend to complete the task. She was forcing us to act and act now. Not to deliberate and delay for extended periods of time.


So I waited as long as possible, ruminated, and on the final morning of the contest, posted my video on YouTube.


So now I wait until Friday, when the winners will be announced.


I know I am up against thousands of amazing entrepreneurs, all desiring the same thing, so the chance is small BUT at least I know I tried and that is what matters.


Not only, did it force me to define what it is I want, it forced me to put myself out there. And I did it.


The feeling of accomplishment alone is worth it.


So next time you have the opportunity to put yourself out there, do it. Don’t let fear get in the way. Regardless of the naysayers, you are UNIQUE and have a VOICE worth sharing.




Tell me about the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone in the comments below.

To watch my video entry go HERE.

To see more about the amazing Marie Forleo check out her WEBSITE.

To see more of Brené Brown and the amazing work she does on vulnerability and shame check out her WEBSITE.